
Archive for the ‘Seduction’ Category

Gender & Communication Frequency


“Women act upon emotions, men act upon logic” –SchoolBoy


Women and men don’t think alike

When communicating with women, you must communicate through their frequency of emotions, not logic.  There’s no way to logically and verbally tell a woman she should be attracted to you.  Instead, you must understand that women interpret the things we say and the things we do by the emotions we trigger in them.


A few examples on this concept

When a man first meets a woman and decides to give her a bouquet of flowers on their first date.  The woman will interpret this gesture and say to herself “maybe he’s insecure about himself and feels he’s not good enough so he’s trying to buy my attraction with flowers”.

This kind of thinking may be conscious or subconscious in a woman’s mind, but either way she’ll think that way.  A kind gesture of giving flowers can be sending the wrong message.

A couple is dating, the woman calls the man and asks him to take her out to dinner.  The man says “I’m busy, maybe next time”. The woman will interpret this gesture and say to herself  “Err.. Hes a jerk for not taking me out tonight even though I’m bored out of my mind, but he probably has other things to do and I’m not on top of his priority list.  He’s a real man who has a life and I’m into that”.

Even though the man may seem to act like a jerk for not taking her out when she asks him to, it’s because he’s telling her that he’s not about to drop everything in his life just to be with her.  It shows indifference and establishes independance.

Women will always interpret your actions or words.  Upon understanding this concept, your success will dramatically improve with women.


The Theory Behind Sexual Attraction


“Attraction isn’t a choice, it’s a response.” -David DeAngelo


What is sexual attraction?

Like dating guru David DeAngelo says, “attraction isn’t a choice, it’s a response”.  The basics of sexual attraction can be found through years of human evolution.  When a woman feels sexual attraction for a man, it’s because their natural instinctual urges have been triggered; there is absolutely nothing she can do about it.  No amount of logic or reasoning can cause her to lose that sexual attraction.

The goal of sexual attraction is to allow a male and a female to mate and reproduce in ensuring the survival of the human race.  How a woman chooses her mate is also programmed through evolution as well.  Women become sexually attracted to a man based on whether he will provide her with good genes in producing attractive offspring.  By ‘attractive offspring’, I don’t mean just physically, but psychologically as well.


Attraction is ironic

Women are naturally sexually attracted to men who are attractive to other women.  They subconsciously know what traits are attractive to other women;  this is why women tend to be sexually attracted to the “alpha males”;  which we sometimes call the “jerks” or the “bad boys”.  Women feel sexual attraction to the alpha males just because other women are attracted to the alpha males.  Ironic isn’t it?


Categories: Dating, Seduction

Inner Confidence


“Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right.” -Henry Ford

The importance of inner confidence

Inner confidence is the basic step that must be developed before being successful with women.  Once you have inner confidence, not only will your success improve with women, but your everyday life will improve as well.

I first started learning about seduction and dating to learn new “techniques” and “lines” in hopes that it would make me irresistible to women.  Boy was I wrong about that; I quickly learned through trial and error that all the techniques and lines in the world didn’t help me at all.  Every time I tried to apply these new techniques or lines, I was nervous, unsure of myself, and just acted like plain chump.

The problem wasn’t with the techniques or lines; the problem was my lack of inner confidence.  Everything I did when approaching or talking to women, my actions, my words and my tone, all portrayed that I lacked inner confidence.  An example would be when I approached women; my hands would be in my pockets while looking down at the floor while avoiding eye contact; my body language alone showed that I lacked that inner confidence.

Somethings you just can’t fake

Everything that comes out of you will project what’s inside of you.   Women are experts at reading small cues that show who you really are.  It’s possible to fake having inner confidence with a woman, but eventually it’s going to show and she will find out.  The best way to portray that you have inner confidence, is by actually having inner confidence!

Having inner confidence means you are happy with who you are.  Being comfortable in your own skin and not giving a second thought what others think of you. Women are attracted to men who are attracted to themselves.  By bettering yourself as an individual, you change the way you see yourself and the way others see you.  If you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, what makes you think others will look at you any different?


Categories: Seduction